2004-2005 免除疼痛是患者的基本权利( Pain Relief is a Human Right)
2005-2006 关注儿童疼痛(Pain in Children)
2006-2007 关注老年疼痛(Pain in Older Persons)
2007-2008 关注女性疼痛(Pain in Women)
2008-2009 抗击癌痛(Cancer Pain)
2009-2010 骨骼肌肉痛(Musculoskeletal Pain)
2010-2011 急性痛(Acute Pain)
2011-2012 关注头痛( Headache)
2012-2013 关注内脏痛(Visceral pain)
2013-2014 口面痛(Orofacial Pain)
2014-2015 神经病理性疼痛(Neuropathic Pain)
2015-2016 关节痛(Global Year Against Pain in the Joints)
2016-2017 术后镇痛 (Global Year Against Pain AfterSurgery)
2017-2018 卓越疼痛教育传播年 (Global Year for Excellence in Pain Education)
2018-2019 全球抗击老年幼年精神神经性疾病引起的疼痛 (Global Year Against Pain in the Most Vulnerable)
2019-2020 全球预防疼痛年 (Global Year for the Prevention of Pain)
2020-2021 全球预防腰背痛年 (Global Year Against Back Pain)